Um Why??? Why is this necessary? Well no one will know because it's all in Polish. YIKES!!!! This guy is WANTING his horse to step on him!!! Fuck...
OOOH here is what we have a classic example of the OVERFLEX!! Quit trying to pose for the fucking camera, and watch your horse ya ASS!!
Facility "seems" decent, but WOW what a picture to use as your promo for training techniques.

Ok so truly I'm NOT trying to be some downer about EVERYTHING, but when it comes to teaching your horse those dumbass tricks that it seems you can't live without WHY must you ad this one to your repertoire?? The Rear trick??? You know I work long and hard to PREVENT shit like this from happening, and you're going to teach your horse to do it on purpose?? There was a QH Gelding I was training once and I guess somewhere along the lines the owner thought it would be cool to teach the horse to rear. Well the horse's command for rear was raising up your hands. So one day as I'm getting ready to get on, I have my left foot in the stirrup I'm halfway up and someone in front of me lifts there hands. So guess where the fuck I ended up??? Hey ASSCLOWNS, leave this trick to the Lipizzaner's at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, and not your fucking backyard. THANKS!!!
oh, so true...
The dip stick who wanted the draft to step on his stomach should have used that convenient pile of horse poo has a pillow, so he could be comfortable. (said with much sarcasm)
people are soooooo stupid.
On the youtube video- wtf was that idiot trying to prove? FFS. I just can't get over how stupid people can be. And I love the photo of the nice "pleasure" jog... Maybe she should have just run the reins between his legs so his nose would actually touch his chest. Poor kid, bet he was sore after that bit.
The western one looks like the roll kur videos
The guy with the draft...needs to have his nose rubbed in poo...cuz he's a shithead anyway
Bad karma. Congratulations.
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